Feelings of sadness, worthlessness, anger, hopelessness, loss of interest in activities, trouble sleeping, change in appetite, and suicidal thoughts are some of the signs of depression. A complete physical examination is recommended to determine any possible medical causes for the depression. A referral for a psychiatric examination may be needed to determine the need for antidepressants. Throughout the therapeutic process, appropriate self care will be a focus of attention.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Restoration Therapy, and the hope and truths we find in God's Word will be used to assist the client with recognizing the relationship between their thoughts and feelings, their learned reactions to the pain, and the truth of it all.
“What are you thinking? What are you telling you about yourself, about your situation, about your life? It plays a big role in what you are feeling. Remember…not every thought we think is true. Because of this sometimes we need to be intentional with not embracing that thought, but instead, having a second thought – one that is true and uplifting.”